Mission statement

To help the educational, medical and scientific development in Estonia, to promote development of democratic institutions, and to provide equipment and supplies to institutions that care for the ill, children and poor. Estonian American Fund for Economic Education, Inc. was founded in January 1990 to take advantage of the opening provided by perestroika to broaden contacts and address needs in Estonia the very existence of which had been denied during the 50 years of Soviet occupation. At the time the U. S policy favoured democratization and economic reforms while promoting the territorial integrity of the Soviet Union. Accordingly, the Fund first concentrated on economics, then a "politically correct " approach. As the bylaws permit a broad range of activity, the Fund soon got involved in healthcare, general welfare, education, training economists and statisticians, developing nonprofit organizations, supporting youth-oriented voluntary services. The Fund works on the basis of projects. Anyone is welcome to propose a project. Execution depends on a verified need and trustworthy partners in Estonia, and personal commitment of effort, expertise and resources on the part of volunteers in the United States

As stated above, the Fund supports activities in Estonia that seek to develop civil society and improve the lives of Estonians in Estonia. Projects must show how they relate to these goals.To qualify for support, the Fund requires that applications conform to requirements as shown  under Guidelines in our home page.Travel expenses will be allowed if directly related to education and training, or associated with an approved project.


Kallid Eesti sõbrad ja toetajad!

Kallid Eesti sõbrad!
On Tänupühade nädal, kui kirjutan meie iga-aastast ülevaadet Eesti Ameerika Fondi (EAF) tegevusest ja toetusest Eesti organisatsioonidele. Oleme ääretult tänulikud kõigile annetajatele, kes on andnud oma panuse EAF-i sellel Eesti jaoks erakordselt raskel ajal. Paljud Eesti organisatsioonid toetavad Ukrainat ja nii ka EAF. Oleme andnud üle $50,000 toetuseid aitamaks Ukraina peresid ja tudengeid, kes on pidanud põgenema Vene agressiooni ja terrori eest. Sõda ja globaalne majanduslangus on toonud kaasa kõrge inflatsiooni ja Eestis on see kõrgeim Euroopa Liidu riikide hulgas. See omakorda on mõjutanud Eesti inimeste võimet osta toiduaineid ja kütta oma kodusid. Lastekodud ja perede tugikeskused valmistuvad raskeks talveks varudes toitu ja küttepuid juhuks kui olukord veelgi halveneb.

2022.aastal jätkas EAF Tallinnas asuva Peeteli Koguduse Sotsiaalkeskuse ja Tartu Kristliku Noortekodu toetamist. Mõlemad organisatsioonid pakuvad abivajavatele lastele turvalist elamispaika. Peeteli Koguduse Sotsiaalkeskuse kohta saate lähemalt lugeda veebilehelt http://www.peeteli.com/sotskeskus/.  EAF toel saavutatud edusammudest Tartu Kristliku Noortekodu tegevustes on kokku pandud lühike video, mida saab vaadata ka youtube’st: https://youtu.be/ukgWwfU76jc.
Samuti jätkus meie tihe koostöö Raplas asuva perede tugikeskusega Vanaema Juures, mida tihedalt külastavad abivajavad pered, vanemaealised ja puudega inimesed. Sel aastal aitab tugikeskus ka kahte Ukraina perekonda, kus kasvavad väikesed lapsed. Tugikeskuse juhataja, Anne Raadik, on alati olnud südamest tänulik EAF-i toetuse eest ja palunud omapoolsed tänusoovid edasi anda ka EAF-i lahketele toetajatele, kes on võimaldanud neil jätkata abi pakkumist haavatavatele elanikkonna gruppidele. Ilma toetajate poleks neil olnud võimalik edasi tegutseda. Tugikeskuse juhataja, Anne unistuseks on osta tugikeskusele oma maja, et poleks vaja tasuda iga-aastast renti.

2022.aastal toetasime ka uue Montessori kooli avamist Tallinnas panustades õppevahendite ostmisesse $40,000. Kool alustas sel sügisel ja kooli asutajad on väljendanud suurt tänulikkust EAF-le. Kooli tegemiste kohta on võimalik täpsemalt lugeda veebilehelt https://montessorikool.ee/ ja ka artiklist, mis ilmus ajalehes Vaba Eesti Sõna: https://www.vabaeestisona.com/et/eesti-ameerika-fondi-toel-avati-eestis-montessori-kool/.

Samuti jätkasime Tartu Ülikooli, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ning Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikaakadeemia toetamist andes välja stipendiume väärilistele tudengitele $60,000 ulatuses. Nagu paljud teised organisatsioonid nii ka EAF toetas sel aastal Ukraina tudengeid, kes jätkasid oma õpinguid Tartu Ülikoolis.

Tänu meie fondi heldetele toetajatele kogusime 2021.aastal üle $139,000 annetusi. Need annetused on positiivselt mõjutanud paljude eestlaste ja Ukraina põgenike elusid. Fond väljastas 2021.aastal $185,350 ulatuses toetusi organisatsioonidele, kes panustavad hariduse edendamisse, noorteprogrammidesse või koordineerivad stiepndiume.

Uuel aastal me jätkame koostööd mitmete olemaslevate partneritega ja püüame leida ka uusi abivajaid. Meie projektid saavad alguse nii Eestist esiatud taotlustest kui ka kaasmaalaste ja Eesti sõprade headest mõtetest välismaal. Toetuste juhised on saadaval meie veebilehel (www.eafund.org).Külastege meie veebilehte, kus saate rohkem infot meie tegemiste kohta.Teie jätkuv toetus tõendab ka riiklikule järelvalvele, et tegemist on organisatsiooniga, mis väärib seadustes lubatud tulumaksu soodustust (Tulumaksuseaduse paragrahv 501 (c) (3)).  Annetusi saab teha nii digitaalselt PayPal kaudu või kasutades lisatud annetussedelit. Palun kaaluge ka meie Fondi panustamist, kui koostate oma testamenti.

Täname Teid kõiki toetuse ja lahkete annetuse eest!
Christian Einberg, President, Eesti Ameerika Fond

Dear friends of Estonia!

Dear Friends of Estonia!
As I write this annual letter during Thanksgiving week, I reflect on the Estonian American Fund’s contributions to deserving Estonian organizations and am grateful for the blessings in my life.  I am thankful for all the individuals who support the fund, especially during this difficult time in Estonia. Estonian organizations are helping Ukrainian relief efforts and so is our fund. We have provided over $50,000 to help Ukrainian families and students who have fled the terrors of Russian aggression. The war and the global economic downturn have caused the highest inflation rate in the European Union, which in turn has impacted ordinary Estonians’ ability to buy food and heat their homes. The orphanages and the family support center are preparing for a hard winter stockpiling food and emergency firewood in the event that the situation worsens.

We continued to support the Bethel’s Center for Pastoral Care orphanage in Tallinn and the Christian Adolescents’ Home in Tartu. Both provide a safe haven for children in need. To learn more visit Bethel’s website at: http://www.peeteli.com/sotskeskus/
We also continued our strong relationship with Vanaema Juures Family Support Center in Rapla. The center is frequented by families in need, the elderly and disabled. This year, they are aiding two Ukrainian families with young children and the Director, Anne Raadik, has always asked me to extend her heartfelt thanks to the contributors of the Estonian American Fund. Without your support, they would not be able to operate. Her dream is to purchase a permanent building so they would not have to pay the annual rental expense.

This past year, we also provided $40,000 of startup funding to purchase educational materials for a new Montessori School in Tallinn. The school is now operating and the founders of the school have expressed sincere gratitude to the Estonian American Fund. You can read more about the school at their website at:  https://montessorikool.ee/ and in an article that appeared in the Vaba Eesti Sona at: https://www.vabaeestisona.com/et/eesti-ameerika-fondi-toel-avati-eestis-montessori-kool/.

We continued to support the University of Tartu, the Estonian Academy of Arts, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater and provided over $60,000 in scholarships to deserving Estonian students in 2021. This year, along with many other Estonian organizations, the fund provided support to Ukrainian college students who were continuing their studies at the University of Tartu. 
In summary, we received over $139,000 in generous donations from supporters like you in 2021. These donations have made a positive impact on the lives of many Estonians and Ukrainian refugees. The Fund distributed $185,350 for program services in 2021 to organizations supporting education, scholarships, and youth-serving programs.   

We will continue to work with our existing partners and identify new ones.  Our projects start as applications received from Estonia, and as suggested by supporters and friends.  Grant guidelines are spelled out on our website www.eafund.org. We encourage you to visit our site to learn more about us.Your continuing support proves that the Fund deserves the tax-exempt status under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations can be made online using PayPal or by the enclosed donation slip. We also ask that you consider the fund when making your  estate plans.

We thank all of you for your support and generosity.
Christian Einberg, President, Estonian American Fund

The Board of Directors

  • Christian Einberg - President
  • Eliko Pedastsaar - Treasurer
  • Tiina Urv - Corporate Secretary
  • Rauno Joks, M.D. - Medical Research Advisor
  • Thomas Troost, M.D. - Medical Research Advisor
  • Tiina Urv, PhD - Scientific Advisor
  • Haldi Svanberg - Youth Services
  • Erik Puskar - Counselor
  • Anti Küünal - Counselor
  • Ago Ambre - Chairman of the Board

You are invited

Estonia is still very much a work in progress. The Fund is an open organization: your expertise, ideas, and material support are welcome.

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Annual Report

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You may want to indicate your preference in the memo of your check.
The Fund  supports the following in Estonia: Healthcare, Education, Institutions, Disadvantaged Children; Civic, youth
and faith-based organizations.

Please make check payable to:
Estonian American Fund
P.O. Box 2464
Rockville, MD 20852-9998



Thank you!